Saturday, October 22, 2011


last night i had a nightmare about my surgery and recovery.  i overslept for the surgery. my tongue was cut in half and then stiched together. one of my teeth cracked and was hanging by a thread, then i finally pulled it out. i threw up solid stuff, and thought it was a piece of my tongue.  my jaw had an indentation on either side that looked like they took a triangle punch out of each side of the jaw bone.  i looked like an alien.

i woke up with that omg-so-relieved-that-was-just-a-dream feeling.  you don't need to be an analyst to deduce i must be experiencing some apprehension.  though, in my conscious thought i'm much more focused on everything i have to do at work before i go, and what i need to do when i get back to work.

on monday i go back to the incompetent general practioner doctor to get my surgical clearance form finally completed.  he didn't examine me properly nor have me fill out my health history so that he could complete the form. durrrr.  thursday i fly to baltimore and friday at six am i report to the hospital for surgery.

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